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Helping Clients in Peterborough and Ontario Plan Their Financial Future
Estate Planning Products
At D. Robertson Financial Insurance Services Inc., we remind clients throughout Ontario that the sooner you start saving and investing the easier it is on your budget. The sooner you start the less you will have to save, because time will be on your side. Consider segregated funds for your estate planning needs. As investments within the life insurance contract, the proceeds from segregated funds are paid directly to your named beneficiary. You save time and money for your heirs because segregated funds bypass the probate process and its fees. To take control of your estate, we suggest the following 5 steps:
Determine your estate planning goals
Consider which estate planning tools fit your situation best
Choose the people you would like to speak for you
Starting raising estate planning issues with your family
Keep your estate plan up to date
Your Financial Goals
Before meeting your advisor, consider:
What are your plans for these funds?
Are you comfortable with fluctuations in the value?
What kind of guarantees are you seeking?
Although this is not a complete list, these points are important variables to think about when you talk with your advisor.
Pay Yourself Well and for a Long Time
Talk to D. Robertson Financial Insurance Services Inc., about setting up Pre-Authorized Chequing (PAC). A PAC means your funds are automatically transferred from your bank into an investment on a routine basis. This strategy is known as “dollar-cost averaging” where you invest regularly whether the market performs strongly or poorly. Dollar-cost averaging helps smooth out the volatility of your investments. Also, many investors find it easier to build their portfolios and reach long-term financial goals with a PAC strategy.