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Disability Insurance in Peterborough
and Ontario
D. Robertson Financial Insurance Services Inc., offers a range of disability insurance products to clients throughout Ontario. Designed to protect your ability to earn an income, disability insurance is available for professionals, business owners, and employees. Disability insurance is designed to replace a portion of your income if you become disabled and are unable to earn an income. A disability can result from a number of causes, including an injury, a serious illness or a mental health issue. And the duration of a disability can be either short- or long-term.
Why Do You Need Disability Insurance?
If you have suffered an injury that limits your ability to work, it can have serious repercussions for your family’s lifestyle, the education future of your children and your plans for retirement. Not to mention the additional money you will possibly be spending on new medical-related coats. Disability insurance can provide you with financial security by replacing a portion of your earnings when an accident or illness causes you to become disabled and unable to work or earn an income.
Accidents and illnesses are facts of life. They could happen to anyone at any time.
Did you know:
1 in 3 people, on average, will be disabled for 90 days or longer at least once before age 65.
The average length of a disability that lasts over 90 days is 2.9 years.
Your most valuable asset is your ability to earn an income. Disability insurance can help protect the lifestyle and financial future of your entire family. Call today to discuss your needs with our insurance team.